Yard Management

efficient processes in your plant logistics

Yard Management

efficient processes in your plant logistics

Yard Management

efficient processes in your plant logistics

More efficient plant logistics with yard management by OAS

Targeted use of yard management to save resources

Yard management, plant logistics, and despatch automation respond to the cross-sectoral challenge: increasing the transparency and the efficiency of the entire flow of materials and goods. To this end, the time windows for delivery, supervision, and control of the delivery traffic at the receipt of goods is managed within the scope of the yard management. This includes the assignment of parking spaces in coordination with the operations required in the warehouse to take in and out of stock. The management of the gates (docks) and waiting areas for lorries (yard) plays a role, as well. 

The costs resulting for yard automation always depend on the components selected. The corresponding hardware and software elements should in principle allow for branch-specific requirements. The costs are in contrast to vast savings – a result of the optimised plant-logistic processes and the saved resources going along with this. The hardware and software for yard management we are using are made at OAS to meet our quality standard. Moreover, our logistic terminals are designed for a long service life. Furthermore, the self-service terminals with their modular structure can be adapted to future tasks in a flexible manner. These features still increase the value of an investment in yard management components.

Our customers trust in us

Kunde Rehau Yard Management logis
Kunde Paulaner Yard Management logis
Anlagenbau BASF
Kunde Henkel Yard Management logis
Kunde RWE Yard Management logis
Kunde evonik Yard Management logis
Kunde HeidelbergCement Yard Management logis
Kunde Dr. Oetker Yard Management logis
Kunde Weig Karton Yard Management logis
Kunde Fels Yard Management logis
Kunde Adelholzener Yard Management logis
Kunde Cemex Yard Management logis
Kunde Rhenus Yard Management logis
Anlagenbau Baumineral
Kunde Egger Yard Management logis

Efficient processes in your plant logistics

As an agile company, you tend to ensure that your customers will be happy with efficient processes in your logistics. Here, an optimum coordination of all logistic processes is a crucial point. Whether it is about a logistic challenge in the beverage production, wood industry, building material industry, paper industry, or food industry – we will be your specialist in yard management across industries.

In particular on the sites of producing companies or complex logistics centres, the coordination of the flows of goods on site is vitally important. With an ever increasing flow of traffic, the challenge is to configure the plant-logistic sequences to be as efficient and economical as possible.

Yard automation hardware & software from a single source

Here, the dock management is about coordinating the activities at your loading ramp: incoming goods, outgoing goods, and despatch of arriving and leaving lorries at the loading ramps. The yard management controls all activities on the premises and collects and analyses all data regarding the vehicles on site.

The hardware and software components of yard management can be adjusted specifically to the requirements in your industry. In this way, you may optimise your individual business processes whilst at the same time assuring your competitive capacity. A process optimisation through an efficient yard management offers you the advantages below.

[Translate to English:] logis yard management software
Your benefit from the use of our yard management
  • Prompt capacity growth
    The yard management systems by OAS optimise the logistic flows and reduce the in-plant residence, door-to-door, and transhipment times on site. In this way, it is possible to adhere to the specified time windows on the one hand, whilst on the other hand the capacities are increased despite a constant or even reduced amount of resources used.


  • Complete transparency
    Moreover, the entire process, from the registration, through the loading or unloading of vehicles, ending up with leaving of the plant is documented with time stamps and photographs in a transparent and consistent manner. Documentation takes place irrespective of whether the process steps have taken place in an automated or in a manual way.


  • Continuous data flow
    It is no problem to integrate system components, such as truck scales, loading and unloading points, and logistic terminals into yard management solutions by OAS. Use interfaces to higher- or same-level systems (ERP, TSM, LVS) to get a continuous data flow.


  • Top quality standards
    Our quality standard is high. This is the reason why we rely on our own hardware and software products. The high-quality logistic terminals are designed for a long service life and are of a rugged design offering an intuitive operation. Thanks to their modular structure, they can be adapted to future tasks in a flexible manner.


Whether it is about yard management, plant logistics, or despatch automation – OAS AG combines experience gained over decades with profound process know-how, all aiming at the optimisation of industrial processes beyond industrial borders as described below:

  • optimised logistic processes
  • efficient loading 
  • reduced in-plant residence and waiting times of lorries on the premises 
  • increased transparency
  • real-time information on your processes


An optimum use of all resources saves costs and increases the productivity and quality of the entire logistics system. All data are made available in real time to ensure an efficient coordination of all logistic processes.

In addition to analysis, planning, and control of plant-logistic processes, our range of products also includes:

which provide for an optimum flow of materials and goods transported by road, by rail, or by sea.

Control the flow of waiting lorries 

using pagers

Waiting lorries often present a great challenge for site logistics. As soon as the lorries are congesting your yard, they block access and exit routes and the drivers' time windows will shift. The coordinated, standardised control of incoming lorries by contrast, calls up the vehicles as required and thus prevents expensive waiting times. The drivers largely determine the cycle time when they arrive at the site.

This problem can be solved with a coordinated control of incoming lorries, where the vehicles wait outside the site and are called up according to the individual requirements.

With logis, we offer you a comprehensive hardware and software solution, which in a transparent and efficient way schedules the logistic processes in your plant for all parties involved.

    • lorries wait outside of the works boundary
    • vehicles are called up as required
    • optimised order of despatch
    • no blocking of areas and formation of dust by waiting lorries
    • overcoming language barriers
    • proof of door-to-door times
    • reduced duration of the driver's stay at the site
    • secured entry and departure
    • complete hardware and software solution from a single source
    • multilingual registration dialogue with collection of relevant data on self-service terminals of rugged design
    • display of PPE and in-house regulations
    • output of pagers
    • dynamic pending list function via web browser, also on mobile devices
    • simple and quick call-up of vehicles directly from the pending list
    • surveillance and control of access and exit
    • automatic collection of pagers
    • time stamp logging of actions

    We will be glad to individually adjust our suitable software and hardware solutions so as to fit your specific processes. Feel free to contact us!

Efficient flow of materials and goods on site

Thus, yard management covers the efficient

planning, organisation, control, processing, and supervision

of the entire flow of materials and goods on site (on the yard). As the yard management reveals considerable room of improvement with respect to plant-logistic processes, this may lead to decisive advantages in competition along with saving of costs.

OAS AG offers comprehensive solutions to optimise plant-logistic processes for vehicle despatch for all flows of materials and goods by road, by rail, and by sea. A standardised control of incoming lorries, which can be individually adjusted to customer-specific processes, makes our yard management portfolio complete.

Blick auf ein Logistic-Terminal der OAS AG
Ein Mann bedient ein Selbstbedienterminal von OAS AG

Intuitive self-service by the driver

The self-service registration by the driver, the perhaps required automatic weighing of lorries, the event-driven call-up to assigned unloading or loading points, the output of documents at a self-service terminal, and the connection to higher-level ERP systems provide a vast potential for economies and the time saved this way leads to your advantage in competition.

We will be at your side from the definition of a concept until commissioning

and we will plan and deliver 

Becoming more efficient with yard management

The central thread through your plant logistics

  • The driver uses a logistic terminal to register at the plant logistics system. This considerably reduces the workload of own personnel. Moreover, language barriers are overcome and a connection to the business transaction is established (e.g. barcode brought along on the order document or a mobile device). Anyone involved in the plant will be informed automatically about the login and can act accordingly.

    The driver uses a logistic terminal to independently register – this allows 24/7 operation without additional personnel.

    The user interfaces are available in several languages represented to the driver by national flags icons to tap on.

    Dialogues are adjusted individually to the requirements of the operating company. Pictures and graphics, e.g. safety instructions, are developed and delivered by the operating party and automatically implemented in the screen menus before start-up. The driver is guided safely through the system by single-step operation.

    The driver gets an identifier (circulation slip with barcode, ident card, pager), which guides through the process. The plant logistic system permanently informs the driver of the next step. Deviance is detected and entails corresponding instructions.

  • The call-up function calls up the registered driver to approach the site and the indicated target. Either an operator sends the instruction manually or the system sends it automatically controlled by resources to meet the current demand.

    The call-up is sent to the driver via an information board, the pager handed out during login, or by SMS to the mobile phone – at any location and timely or if required with a lead time. This allows for additional external buffer areas.

    The operating party dictates the access time. The driver waits in the vehicle and safely for the call-up. Tailbacks in the plant are prevented and the driver can use the waiting time to have a rest.

    It is not the driver who decides on the order of transactions but the company using the current rate of utilisation as a basis.

  • The driver approaches the barrier at the entrance to the plant and uses the identifier to open it. Rapid and reliable processing reduces tailbacks at this point.

    Easy and rapid processing at the barrier. No tailbacks. No need for own personnel.

    Checking the transaction automatically ensures that only authorised vehicles may enter the plant.

  • For processes with weighing, the driver uses the identifier on the logistic terminal to start weighing automatically. Here, the plant logistic system respects all aspects required by the Standards and Measures Law.

    Weighing allows for all aspects of the Standards and Measures Law. Sensors, side boundaries, camera systems, and – if required – devices detecting the registration numbers document the transaction and make it safe.

    The driver handles weighing all by self service. S/he uses the identifier, weighing starts automatically, other operating steps are not required.

    The scales are operating 24/7 – no need for own personnel.

    The resulting weight can be used at other points, e.g. the loading point or for calculation of the load. This prevents overload and underload.

  • Loading or unloading of general cargo is effected by corresponding personnel. The time stamp at the start / end can be entered manually or transmitted by other systems (e.g. LVS). This starts the next step.

    The identifier brought along allows for correct assignment to the transaction and loading of the correct cargo.

    The demand-meeting call-up reduces the in-plant residence time because all preliminary work has been completed already. Loading or unloading can start at once.

    Start and end of loading / unloading get time stamps. This allows an analysis of the utilisation and more qualified statements to the forwarder.

  • Integration of automated loading and unloading points. At the loading/unloading point, the driver independently undertakes loading of e.g. bulk material. Existing sensors, scales, flow meters, etc. are integrated.

    Connection to the existing control system via I/O or common industrial bus interfaces.

    Multilingual user interface with icons for rapid and accurate handling.

    Verification of material and loading point. Should the driver select a wrong loading point, s/he gets an automatic message stating the correct loading point. In case of manually supported processes, the four-eyes principle including a personified confirmation by the employee is implemented.

  • The output of simple delivery notes up to complex delivery dockets is effected on accordingly designed logistic terminals featuring a signing function.

    No manual output required. Own personnel becomes relieved. Availability beyond office hours.

    The logistic terminal is integrated in the route through the plant. This avoids superfluous travel and parking times.

  • The driver approaches the barrier at the exit of the plant and uses the identifier to open it. Rapid and reliable processing reduces tailbacks at this point, as well.

    Easy handling out of the vehicle allows for rapid transaction.

    Checking the transaction automatically ensures that only authorised vehicles may leave the plant. 

Abfüllstation einer Produktionsanlage
Selbstbedienterminal für effektives Yard Management von OAS AG
Zwei Selbstbedienterminals von OAS AG an einer Werkszufahrt
Selbstbedienterminal und Schranken an einer Werkszufahrt
Selbstbedienterminal mit Produktionsstätte im Hintergrund
Blick auf Steuerung eines Bulk Loading Terminals von OAS AG
Ein Mann bedient ein Selbstbedienterminal von OAS AG
Bildschirm mit Programm für das Yard Management
Blick auf ein Logistic-Terminal der OAS AG

We are here for you

Your contact persons for the yard management

Paul Ulrich Höcker

Head of Sales International

Phone +49 421 2206-147 uhoecker@oas.de

Your inquiry

We are at your disposal and looking forward to your inquiry.

Your contact to OAS AG

Are you interested in more information about OAS AG? Do you want to ask for a quotation? Do you have questions about one of our business segments? Or do you need support on your hardware, software, or infrastructure? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to help you!
