Weighing Technology

at home in Germany – active worldwide

Wa(a)gen un Winnen

Bremen motto of merchants running all the way through our business segments

One of our core competences and at the same time the business segment OAS AG started with in the beginning of its history is the weighing technology. The Bremen motto of merchants "Wa(a)gen un Winnen" (venturing in weighing and winning) runs all the way through the company history. Already in 1985, the company founder Otto A. Schwimmbeck developed the first calibratable computer worldwide. Ever after, this milestone has been important to all business segments and the portfolio of solutions by OAS AG is ever increasing.

Our weighing technology portfolio 

Calibratable truck scales 

Industrial truck scales are indispensable in many industries when it is about the detection of the flow of goods. We have the appropriate truck scales type for each specific application and adapted to the requirements of enterprise resource planning systems. Our truck scales are suitable especially for a use in industries where it is about transporting and reliable weighing of a great deal of goods. In addition to flush-mounted and above-ground truck scales, we offer special truck scales as well as calibratable track scales, scales for passenger cars and scales for small quantities. As a reliable partner, we are certified for the calibration by manufacturer and offer an own calibration vehicle service as well as an after-sales service for adjustment and calibration of scales.

Hardware & scales management software

Our solutions in the fields of logistic terminals and scales management software are a central thread through your business processes as well. Thus, we cover the complete plant-logistic process on the production site starting with the registration of the driver and ending up with the exit.

Precise weighing & dosing technology  

In many different areas of industrial production – where it is about exactly meeting specified quantities and mixing proportions – weighing and dosing technology is indispensable as well. Whether you want to guarantee the quality standards, or you want to mechanically trigger using dosing control technology, or you seek for comprehensive integration into the process control technology – weighing and dosing technology is a key technology in recipe-controlled production.

In addition to conveying and proportioning belt weighers, we also offer dosing control systems, which can be used to visualise continuous processes in a highly reliable manner. Besides, we offer reliable system solutions for dynamic weighing, which provide for precise quantity determination in real time.


Kunde emaxx Technische Betriebe Solingen

We are here for you

Your contact persons for weighing technology

Hans-Georg Melle

Authorised Officer Head of Weighing Technology

Phone +49 421 2206-170 hgmelle@oas.de

Ulrich Höcker

Authorised Officer Head of Sales International

Phone +49 421 2206-147 uhoecker@oas.de

Christoph Lünzmann

Head of Department Weighing Technology

Phone +49 421 2206-0 cluenzmann@oas.de

Your inquiry

We are at your disposal and looking forward to your inquiry.

Your contact to OAS AG

Are you interested in more information about OAS AG? Do you want to ask for a quotation? Do you have questions about one of our business segments? Or do you need support on your hardware, software, or infrastructure? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to help you!
