
scaleo weighing software and truck scale modernisation for the renaturation of a former coal mining area

For the renaturation of a former central German coal mining district, we are supplying our truck scale software scaleo and modernising the weighing electronics of the existing truck scales for self-service operation.

Our OAS Logisitic Terminal LT Cube is intended for efficient handling of the weighing processes. In combination with our scaleo software, the self-service terminal also makes it possible to carry out registrations, document output and loading in a labour-saving manner. Thanks to its freely configurable modular design, all peripherals such as screens, scanners, printers, intercoms or RFID receivers can be integrated into the terminal depending on the process requirements.

Your contact for the realisation of individual scale modernisations

OAS can look back on a large number of realised individual truck scale modernisations. We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting on the modernisation options for your weighing technology solutions and work with you to develop a customised concept. Have we piqued your interest? Please contact us using our contact form.

Your contact to OAS AG

Are you interested in more information about OAS AG? Do you want to ask for a quotation? Do you have questions about one of our business segments? Or do you need support on your hardware, software, or infrastructure? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to help you!
