
Browse past news from OAS AG

Tank farm and conveyor system for global building materials producer

We are supplying a tank farm and conveyor system for the storage of water-based emulsion paints at the French production site of a globally active German building materials manufacturer.
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emaxx industry software for another site of a German raw materials producer

As part of a rollout project, we are implementing our emaxx industry software at another site of a German raw materials producer with a focus on the processing and classification of raw materials and…
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Paul Ulrich Höcker new Board Member for Strategy and Corporate Development

Paul Ulrich Höcker wird zum 1. Februar 2025 als neuer Vorstand für Strategie und Unternehmensentwicklung in die Geschäftsführung der Bremer OAS AG berufen.
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Four truck scales for waste disposal company in North Rhine-Westphalia

For a waste disposal company in North Rhine-Westphalia, we are supplying four legal-for-trade truck scales to record the material flows on the company premises.
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emaxx recycling software and truck scales for southern German plastics recycler

We are supplying our emaxx branch solution and two truck scales including weighing electronics to a plastics recycler in southern Germany.
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Mixing plant and pronto process control system for food flavouring producers

We are supplying a mixing plant and our pronto process control system to a northern German producer of food flavourings.
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Modernisation of weighing electronics and self-service terminals for international retail company

We are modernising the weighing electronics on the existing truck scales for an internationally active trading company for pipes and flanges.
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Expansion of production plant for established German paint and varnish manufacturer

We are expanding the production plant at the Hessian headquarters of an established German manufacturer of paints and varnishes.
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Yard management system and modernisation of weighing systems for underground salt mine

We are modernising the weighing systems and implementing a yard management system for a renowned Bavarian chemical company at its production site in Baden-Württemberg.
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Your contact to OAS AG

Are you interested in more information about OAS AG? Do you want to ask for a quotation? Do you have questions about one of our business segments? Or do you need support on your hardware, software, or infrastructure? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to help you!
