For a waste disposal company in North Rhine-Westphalia, we are supplying a scaleo Truck and Scale Automation with truck scales and self-service terminals for the self-service handling of weighing processes.
The OAS Logistic Terminal enables drivers to weigh their vehicles quickly and independently without the need for additional personnel. To ensure proper weighing, the truck scales are supplemented with additional upstands and position controls.
Our scaleo software solution enables fast and convenient weighing of vehicles and control of lorry traffic on the company premises. With the integrated, innovative process designer, the processes and self-service processes in the yard can be customised by the customer at any time.
Your contact for the realisation of individual truck scale solutions
OAS can look back on a large number of customised truck scale solutions. We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting on the possible applications of our weighing solutions in your operational processes and work with you to develop a customised concept.Have we piqued your interest? Please contact us using our contact form.